Wednesday 5 October 2011

Something Good Will Come Out Of This

Even though I already have posted yesterday, I just wanted to post this. I have been listening to a group called MercyMe. <3 Gosh, they are sooo good! I love the song "I Can Only Imagine", or "Move".

Things are still going downhill. I'm going to make a move tomorrow, and I hope God will give me the strength. I know you have to go through things like this, to get tougher, but I'm afraid of confrontation. But God will put the words through my mouth, and things will be alright.

Thanks guys, night.


  1. I love MercyMe they are a rlly great group
    and ill be praying for you as well tht God will give you strength and wisdom on wut to do
    Love you lots beautiful
    caitlin ♥♥♥

  2. Hey Danae!
    I can kind of relate to what you're going through...I was about your age when I dated a non Christian girl and had to make that decision to break up. It was a really hard thing to do but I had to, we did remain friends though so that helped some. Like Caitlin said I too will pray the same way. God's going to bless you for this, you will see. ((HUGS))

  3. :) Thanks Tyler! Yeah, it was real hard, but I broke up with him today. We are still friends, surprisingly....:) Thanks for praying for me. (Thanks for the hug!)

    @Caitlyn: Thanks gorgeous :)
