Saturday 3 September 2011

Today is a Very Good Day

Hello! I'm speaking in general, not to the 3 people following me :) I'm so happy today! I found out that I have home room with 3 people I know! The rest are grade 7ers. I hung out with my long lost friend Kimberly Peet, annnnnnnd went swimming at Cultas for 4 hours. I have a dog sitting job for one of best friends, and he is an adorable miniature Australian shepard . Tired, but excited. Hungry for some freshly baked banana bread I made. Thank-you Lord for making this day terrific! <3


  1. Hey Danae!
    Sounds like you're having a good long weekend. Save some banana bread for me :P

  2. Haha sounds like a rlly awesome day too bad 2day will be the last of awesome days

  3. @ Tyler,I already ate it all :P And to Caitlin, Ikr? :)
