Saturday, 28 April 2012

Homemade Pizza, YouTube, and Mikeila Bellavance

Today, or should I say, this morning, I'am just sleeping over at Mikeila's house! We've made pizza, and just chilling around.

These past couple of weeks have been tough, my mom is still real sick, and was in the hospital, recently. It's put a strain on our family, seeing that I'm the only child in my family. I have no grandparents, neither close family friends, that live here in Chilliwack. I need prayer, to remain strong through these tough times. I'm so glad I have true friends to lean on. Seriously, I don't know what I'd do without God or support.

Today I was putting my testimony together for youth group, for next week. It stirred some emotions from the past, and shook me up a little. But then I remember you can learn from your mistakes, and that God will always forgive me.

So guys, this is just from me. Never take having a Mom or a Dad for granted. We are so lucky. I love you guys, all of you out there, just clicking on this blog to check it out...just remember. GOD LOVES YOU NO MATTER WHAT! :-)

Signing off,

Danae Charlebois :)