Saturday, 5 November 2011

Stars, Hot Chocolate, and a Good Book

Tonight,  I went up on my roof with my book and flash light, and hot chocolate, and just relaxed under the stars. Maybe I did get a bit in trouble, but that's okay, because I had a good reason to be up there. Even though I have no brothers and sisters, I still need my own space, and thinking areas. My mom was in the living room watching a documentary, my father was sleeping in his room, my backyard grass is covered in fire ants, and my cats were taking up my chair and bed in my room! I didn't want to hang out in the kitchen for my weekend of solitude, so I climbed up a ladder, and chilled on my rooftop. My hot chocolate was warm....and chocolately, and the stars....well disappointedly were not showing because of the dumb clouds! But my book and flash light did not fail me. The Holy Bible. Best book ever written! In one hand I was holding 66 books. Amazing!

So when I was reading in the chapter of Luke, someone next door lit off a firecracker, that was leftover from Halloween! Grr, I was soooo mad, because I yelped from the noise, and my dad came out and found me. I never knew heights were so scary, walking down a ladder backwards!

I need to find another place to read my books, and have time with not only myself, but God. Hopefully very soon!  :-P

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Feelings Of A 14 Year Old

      I know they say that the teenage years are the most difficult. Imagine, if they made it easy, how would we be able to get through life. We couldn't possibly do it. Life goes left to right, up and down. No possible way to slow this roller coaster of life. Sometimes I wish I could pause time, and just think about things for several hours. Or maybe go back in time, and change some things I've said, done or felt. For instance, I would have not chosen to become friends with certain people, said some mean things. I know we learn from our mistakes, and I have apologized, and forgiven myself. But sometimes I wish I had a remote control. But God is always there, through thick and thin. He is planning out certain paths in my life, and I just have to choose which ones I want to take. He is doing the same for you guys!

      As you can see my feelings have changed through this whole entire post. I felt a little helpless today, but through the middle of the paragraph, I prayed, and a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. So, in conclusion, I'am grateful for my life, and to have the privilege to believe in Someone that will always been there. Even when I'm whining on my blog for all y'all to see! :-P

This has been your host of Teenage Hope and Compassion, signing off with a link to a new favourite song of mine!
