Thank-you Lord for your Son. I praise you Jesus for saving us, and loving us. You can move the mountains, and make miracles happen. I've seen it happen! Shine your light and let the whole world see <3 I'm going to stand, and do whats right in your name. Just for you Jesus, because you died for me. I love you dear Father. I don't have to prove anything to anyone, just only here to spread your love, I'am YOUR follower! Yes, I'am the "Christian girl", but that's who I'am! I'm not anything lower then anyone else, I'm not like anyone else though. I will not worship idols, and I believe YOU and YOU only <3
You saved me and all of us, and cleared our sins clean. I'am not perfect, I try to be, but I'am human. I'm one person and one of many people, I'am Danae Charlebois, and I LOVE JESUS CHRIST! Wipe my sins away again dear God. You are my Savior, and my light. Guide me. Lead me with your Holy Bible. I devour your word, and try to follow in your footsteps. I made a commitment at age 4, and got baptisted at age 12. Best days of my life!
I will try hard to be a good daughter, and get my friends to open their eyes and see how wonderful You are.
See what happens when I listen to good music? This is my prayer.
Thank-you Lord,
Danae <3
A place where I can express my feelings with the world, about things that are going on in our world.
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Hey guys, so I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year! Be grateful for what you have! And have a great time with friends and family. Boxing Day tomorrow, and I'm gonna brave the malls for some deals :-)
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Christmas Changes
Well, practically all of my friends are on vacation, and enjoying life in Mexico or in California...or visiting their Mom or Dad...or sick..or busy shopping. Here I'am with my tub of red velvet ice cream, and a big spoon. Chilliwack if pretty boring if you ask me. I know that Christmas is to be celebrated about Christ's birthday, and family...but this year it's a bit downgraded. The Charlebois' family is not having a big bash this year, like we have for the past 14 years...we are having a dinner for 3 instead. I'am really grateful for the things I have, and I don't actually mind what I'm getting for Christmas. I just really wish that Christmas break would be over already. I miss my friends, and school. I miss being in Broadcast Media, and being involved in activities. I've biked everywhere, had one sleepover, watched more Christmas specials, and listened to more 'Seether' and 'Hedley' music more then usual. I guess you could say I have the blues...and I don't know why. I've tried to keep my mind off of....him. I've gone Christmas shopping, wrapped presents, and baked cookies. Ugh, I wish that he didn't have to be away, but at least I'll be able to see him after Boxing Day!
Well, this is Danae, saying, goodnight!
Well, this is Danae, saying, goodnight!
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Yes, I'am sure!
So tonight we had a Christmas movie night with my youth group and I had a BLAST! He was there, the guy I liked, and we had a fun time. We all drank pop,and ate chips, and chilled for a few hours, not even bothering to watch the movie. So we stayed up in the youth room, and played Ping Pong, Foosball, and tag. We wrestled, we sang, and had a jolly good time! Early Merry Christmas to ya'll out there in Chilliwack and other places!
Soo happy :)
Going to sleep now,
talk you guys later :-)
Bye <3
Soo happy :)
Going to sleep now,
talk you guys later :-)
Bye <3
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Starting New
Yesterday I broke up with my boyfriend. Not just because I kinda have a crush on another guy, but because we were on different pages, and he wanted different things then me. I had thought he was the one, but he was a fraud. I'm done for now. And I know what you guys are all thinking. "Oh, no, Danae is gonna have a boyfriend in a week or so". No, I've decided that I need to wait, and let God guide me.
Just updating for you guys :P There is a dance tomorrow, but I'm skippin' it, and gonna hang with my friends. because we are too cool to dance :-D
Have a great night guys!
Just updating for you guys :P There is a dance tomorrow, but I'm skippin' it, and gonna hang with my friends. because we are too cool to dance :-D
Have a great night guys!
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Performing Center Stage...
Today, my 3 other youth friends and I, performed a skit called, "It's A Wonderful Fruitcake"
It was set in the 50's era, so I had a poodle skirt, and a high ponytail. It was a play about a family that had this rich Aunt Edna, and she owns a bunch of fruitcake factories. the first year she gave them a fruitcake with no card. They really dislike fruitcake, so them assume that every year she just sends them one. One year, they open it, because the UPS guy loves that certain dessert. The Dad opens it, and sees that there was a letter and a check. He reads it to the family, and realizes that it is a check for 10,000 dollars! They had been throwing out money for the past 15 years!
The moral of the story, is that small but important things, come in different packages. And that Christmas is about giving not receiving, being thankful, and Jesus' birthday.
I was the bratty 15 year old teenager, Lilly. I had a ton of lines, and I was sure nervous! But it was fun!
So that's what I have done for the beginning of the day. I've got 4 more plays/ live show stuff to do this week. So I gotta go rest up!
It was set in the 50's era, so I had a poodle skirt, and a high ponytail. It was a play about a family that had this rich Aunt Edna, and she owns a bunch of fruitcake factories. the first year she gave them a fruitcake with no card. They really dislike fruitcake, so them assume that every year she just sends them one. One year, they open it, because the UPS guy loves that certain dessert. The Dad opens it, and sees that there was a letter and a check. He reads it to the family, and realizes that it is a check for 10,000 dollars! They had been throwing out money for the past 15 years!
The moral of the story, is that small but important things, come in different packages. And that Christmas is about giving not receiving, being thankful, and Jesus' birthday.
I was the bratty 15 year old teenager, Lilly. I had a ton of lines, and I was sure nervous! But it was fun!
So that's what I have done for the beginning of the day. I've got 4 more plays/ live show stuff to do this week. So I gotta go rest up!
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Right Beside Me....
Well I never knew how blind I could be. I'm going out with a guy I don't even get along with. When the guy I'm supposed to be with is right beside me. I THINK I'M IN LOVE WITH MY BEST FRIEND! Maybe I've been wrong about other guys in the past, but believe me...this is the real thing. He goes to youth group with me, he's an amazing singer, he never puts me down, he HATES video games, he's a Christian, he's funny, smart, and cute. We have way more in common then the guy I'm going out with right now. I don't change my mind a lot with these sort of things. Feelings have overwhelmed me ever since my boyfriend and I's breakup. Of course we got back together, but I don't know if it was the right thing to do. I'm not jumping to conclusions, and breaking up right away....I'm gonna wait another 3 months. But if this overpowering feelings of jealousy, pathetic, and crushing doesn't stop.....I don't know what I'll do. Oh those blue eyes...
He's always there for me. Always asking me if I'm all right. There for a shoulder to cry on. Always there to wipe me tears. To squeeze me hand. Tell me I'm beautiful. That I'm talented. Always tagging along to do random stuff. Playing cards. Laughing at my jokes. Making me laugh when I'm sad. Making songs for me on his guitar. Telling me that I deserve the best. That I can do anything I work hard for. To stick up for me. To massage my feet. To be my pillow. Read to me. Share ice cream with me. Shop with me. Brush a piece of hair off my face. To hold me when I need a hug. Man, those hugs.....
This guy is so close, and he thinks we are like brother and sister. I'm not ready to tell him. I don't want to lose that bond. The closeness. The comfort. And if he doesn't feel the same, then that will all be gone.
But don't some elderly people tell the story of how they fell in love, and married their best friend? I don't know....maybe it's a crush. Maybe I'm misunderstanding signals. Am I? I'll wait, but I don't want anyone to have him...
I've NEVER felt this way before. Not as strong. I'd kill anyone that would hurt him..(not literally). It's been going on for two months now. But there was this one time, about a week ago, we were hugging randomly, and it lasted for like 2 mins. My breath grew faster, as my head was against his chest. I looked up, and he was gazing right into my eyes. We inched closer and closer...and oven timer went off, because we made cookies. We broke apart abruptly. We were soo close! But he shrugged and laughed it off as a joke,a nd punched me in the arm. Thank goodness he couldn't read my mind, because I really wanted him to kiss me....But anyhow, that's what is running through my brain. I can't sleep, can't eat. Is this love? Or over-controlling, freakish, random, crushing, head-over-heels, once in a lifetime fling? HELP ME! D: Comment on what you think it is, or what I should do!
-Danae .C.
He's always there for me. Always asking me if I'm all right. There for a shoulder to cry on. Always there to wipe me tears. To squeeze me hand. Tell me I'm beautiful. That I'm talented. Always tagging along to do random stuff. Playing cards. Laughing at my jokes. Making me laugh when I'm sad. Making songs for me on his guitar. Telling me that I deserve the best. That I can do anything I work hard for. To stick up for me. To massage my feet. To be my pillow. Read to me. Share ice cream with me. Shop with me. Brush a piece of hair off my face. To hold me when I need a hug. Man, those hugs.....
This guy is so close, and he thinks we are like brother and sister. I'm not ready to tell him. I don't want to lose that bond. The closeness. The comfort. And if he doesn't feel the same, then that will all be gone.
But don't some elderly people tell the story of how they fell in love, and married their best friend? I don't know....maybe it's a crush. Maybe I'm misunderstanding signals. Am I? I'll wait, but I don't want anyone to have him...
I've NEVER felt this way before. Not as strong. I'd kill anyone that would hurt him..(not literally). It's been going on for two months now. But there was this one time, about a week ago, we were hugging randomly, and it lasted for like 2 mins. My breath grew faster, as my head was against his chest. I looked up, and he was gazing right into my eyes. We inched closer and closer...and oven timer went off, because we made cookies. We broke apart abruptly. We were soo close! But he shrugged and laughed it off as a joke,a nd punched me in the arm. Thank goodness he couldn't read my mind, because I really wanted him to kiss me....But anyhow, that's what is running through my brain. I can't sleep, can't eat. Is this love? Or over-controlling, freakish, random, crushing, head-over-heels, once in a lifetime fling? HELP ME! D: Comment on what you think it is, or what I should do!
-Danae .C.
Friday, 2 December 2011
Give Me Strength God....
Today I found out that my closest friends told everyone one of my darkest deepest secrets. It was so humiliating! Everyone started laughing at me when I walked into the classroom. Why can't people keep people keep their mouths shut? I trusted him, and he used his tongue as a weapon towards me. It took all the strength I had to not cry, and beat him to mush. I put my head down on my desk, and gulped back the pain. At least that was the last period of the day. God, give me strength to deal with this in the most mature way. Let all pain release from my body. And help my so-called friend to see what he did. He doesn't have to apologize, but I would like him to. Help me to keep my cool, and that my naive mind can comprehend why would someone do that to me. No one's perfect, I know that. But this part of learning is hard. And it isn't going to be the first time. Guys, please pray for me...
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Computer Mouses, Concussions, and Shopping Malls.
Today I went shopping with my parents. At my youth group, every year we always have a Christmas Banquet. I wanted to buy a brand new dress to wear there, because the event is formal. So I'm going around, towing my Mom around everywhere. Nothing fitted me perfectly. I really needed to find one, because the event is December 8th. So at once, I went to a place called "Suzy Shier". I found a deep purple sophisticated dress. PERFECT! :) Then Mom and I went and found my Dad, and we went to the food court, and got Chinese food. Then we decided to go home. I was walking around the corner, and I saw..... MIKEILA BELLAVANCE! <3 :D
Oh my, that was great. She gave me such a strong hug, I dropped my Pepsi! Ahaha, but it was okay! I met her youth leader Megan, and her other friend. It was really nice! And sorry to Mikeila if I seemed a bit off! the reason why was...
A couple days ago, I was rushing to my first class. I bent down to grab some of my dropped books, and since I have a top locker, the door's sharp edge was moved directly to my head. But nooo I didn't notice. I whipped my head up, the sharp edge when into my skull. OUCH!!!!! I blacked out a bit. Once I cleared my sight, and held my throbbing head, I headed to class. I woozily sat down right as the bell rang. My friend Kelsey looked at me weirdly, and whispered, " Dude your bleeding all over the place!". I put my hand near my wound, and found it covered in blood. GROSS! She told me to go up to the Sub, and ask to go down to the medical room. As I went, blood trailed. I got to the office, and they called Mr. Munshaw down ( The Tec/Medical teacher). I layed down, and he cleaned it out. I found out I got a concussion. :-/ I went home early, like at 11:00, and I relaxed the whole day. I'm all right now, I just feel a little weird. It's all right though, it's not my first one :-P
But anyway Mikeila it was nice to talk to you again. I'll seeya in your play at the end of the month! :-)
But about computer mouses, my cat Keiko, pronounced (Keee-co), was following my mouse when I was on my laptop today. Sooo cuute! He tried to bite the screen, and batted it with his paw! :-D
But anyhow, that all that has happened the past couple of days. :)
G'night all!
Oh my, that was great. She gave me such a strong hug, I dropped my Pepsi! Ahaha, but it was okay! I met her youth leader Megan, and her other friend. It was really nice! And sorry to Mikeila if I seemed a bit off! the reason why was...
A couple days ago, I was rushing to my first class. I bent down to grab some of my dropped books, and since I have a top locker, the door's sharp edge was moved directly to my head. But nooo I didn't notice. I whipped my head up, the sharp edge when into my skull. OUCH!!!!! I blacked out a bit. Once I cleared my sight, and held my throbbing head, I headed to class. I woozily sat down right as the bell rang. My friend Kelsey looked at me weirdly, and whispered, " Dude your bleeding all over the place!". I put my hand near my wound, and found it covered in blood. GROSS! She told me to go up to the Sub, and ask to go down to the medical room. As I went, blood trailed. I got to the office, and they called Mr. Munshaw down ( The Tec/Medical teacher). I layed down, and he cleaned it out. I found out I got a concussion. :-/ I went home early, like at 11:00, and I relaxed the whole day. I'm all right now, I just feel a little weird. It's all right though, it's not my first one :-P
But anyway Mikeila it was nice to talk to you again. I'll seeya in your play at the end of the month! :-)
But about computer mouses, my cat Keiko, pronounced (Keee-co), was following my mouse when I was on my laptop today. Sooo cuute! He tried to bite the screen, and batted it with his paw! :-D
But anyhow, that all that has happened the past couple of days. :)
G'night all!
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
When you look into someone's eyes, you can tell what sort of person they are. Good, bad, intelligent, or mean. Eyes all sorts of shapes and sizes. Some are blue, some are brown, but they are all unique. God made eyes for us to see what is before us. But we can never see our future. Take a look around, and look at the concept of Someone to create something so difficult on a human being. Eyes are like windows to a person's soul. What do you see in mine?
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Interesting Facts
- If you are chased by a crocodile, run zigzag, a crocodile is not good at making sharp turns.
- Almonds are a member of the peach family.
- Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room during a dance.
- A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.
- Ketchup was sold in the 1830's as medicine.
- Lobsters have blue blood.
- Many hamsters only blink one eye at a time.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
My Someday Tole-rant
Someday, before I die, I want to learn how to fly. Flying would be amazing, because it would feel like freedom and freshness wrapped up in a bottle. If I had a genie in bottle, and he granted me 3 wishes, I would wish for the cure for all deathly and hurtful sickness/disease; for everyone to discover Christ; and for less junk being in our atmosphere. In our atmosphere, there are many planets and and stars. One day, I would like to fly to the moon. Among the stars and through the milky way. Milky Way chocolate bars, I have never eaten before. Before the land becomes traffic and construction, I would like to be in nature more often. Often I think a lot about the world, and how it has many people. People can be nice, but then you have your mean humans. Humans sin, and that's why we should give our life to Christ <3
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Stars, Hot Chocolate, and a Good Book
Tonight, I went up on my roof with my book and flash light, and hot chocolate, and just relaxed under the stars. Maybe I did get a bit in trouble, but that's okay, because I had a good reason to be up there. Even though I have no brothers and sisters, I still need my own space, and thinking areas. My mom was in the living room watching a documentary, my father was sleeping in his room, my backyard grass is covered in fire ants, and my cats were taking up my chair and bed in my room! I didn't want to hang out in the kitchen for my weekend of solitude, so I climbed up a ladder, and chilled on my rooftop. My hot chocolate was warm....and chocolately, and the stars....well disappointedly were not showing because of the dumb clouds! But my book and flash light did not fail me. The Holy Bible. Best book ever written! In one hand I was holding 66 books. Amazing!
So when I was reading in the chapter of Luke, someone next door lit off a firecracker, that was leftover from Halloween! Grr, I was soooo mad, because I yelped from the noise, and my dad came out and found me. I never knew heights were so scary, walking down a ladder backwards!
I need to find another place to read my books, and have time with not only myself, but God. Hopefully very soon! :-P
So when I was reading in the chapter of Luke, someone next door lit off a firecracker, that was leftover from Halloween! Grr, I was soooo mad, because I yelped from the noise, and my dad came out and found me. I never knew heights were so scary, walking down a ladder backwards!
I need to find another place to read my books, and have time with not only myself, but God. Hopefully very soon! :-P
Friday, 4 November 2011
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Feelings Of A 14 Year Old
I know they say that the teenage years are the most difficult. Imagine, if they made it easy, how would we be able to get through life. We couldn't possibly do it. Life goes left to right, up and down. No possible way to slow this roller coaster of life. Sometimes I wish I could pause time, and just think about things for several hours. Or maybe go back in time, and change some things I've said, done or felt. For instance, I would have not chosen to become friends with certain people, said some mean things. I know we learn from our mistakes, and I have apologized, and forgiven myself. But sometimes I wish I had a remote control. But God is always there, through thick and thin. He is planning out certain paths in my life, and I just have to choose which ones I want to take. He is doing the same for you guys!
As you can see my feelings have changed through this whole entire post. I felt a little helpless today, but through the middle of the paragraph, I prayed, and a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. So, in conclusion, I'am grateful for my life, and to have the privilege to believe in Someone that will always been there. Even when I'm whining on my blog for all y'all to see! :-P
This has been your host of Teenage Hope and Compassion, signing off with a link to a new favourite song of mine!
As you can see my feelings have changed through this whole entire post. I felt a little helpless today, but through the middle of the paragraph, I prayed, and a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. So, in conclusion, I'am grateful for my life, and to have the privilege to believe in Someone that will always been there. Even when I'm whining on my blog for all y'all to see! :-P
This has been your host of Teenage Hope and Compassion, signing off with a link to a new favourite song of mine!
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Friends Come In All Sizes
Just thought this was a cute reminder all to the short people out there, ( like me). This is adorable. This goes to show I have no life when it comes to free time at school. :-)
Monday, 24 October 2011
I Can't Dance
I was invited to a dance by a friend, but I can't dance. Sure I can do the "stand-in-one-spot-bob-your-head" kinda dance, but I can't bust a move.
Sooooo I don't know what to do. Of course I'm going, but I hope some guy doesn't want me to dance with him....I'LL STEP ON HIS FEET!
Oh well, wish me luck guys :)
Sooooo I don't know what to do. Of course I'm going, but I hope some guy doesn't want me to dance with him....I'LL STEP ON HIS FEET!
Oh well, wish me luck guys :)
Monday, 17 October 2011
I Miss You
I miss how we used to hang out. I miss talking to you, and getting your advice. I can't wait until I'm grade 10, so we can hang every single day. We can also be in the same play. I miss you Mikeila Bellavance, and I hope you don't mind being in my post :-)
Your talented, amazing, and beautiful. I dedicate this to you. :-)
Miss you!
By Danae Charlebois
Your talented, amazing, and beautiful. I dedicate this to you. :-)
Miss you!
By Danae Charlebois
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Chilliwack Weather.....:/
Blah. soooooo rainy today, but with peeks of sunshine. Rain, rain go away, DON'T come again another day.....
But on the upside, I'm just in school, learning new things. In less then a half an hour I will be attempting to make red velvet cupcakes! YUUMM!
Hopefully I did good on my math test, despite feeling full all day from 2 turkey dinners. :-D
I want to just go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!
Goodbye for now!
Love, Danae
But on the upside, I'm just in school, learning new things. In less then a half an hour I will be attempting to make red velvet cupcakes! YUUMM!
Hopefully I did good on my math test, despite feeling full all day from 2 turkey dinners. :-D
I want to just go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!
Goodbye for now!
Love, Danae
Friday, 7 October 2011
New Beginnings; Ft. Thanksgiving
So, I'm single. Not as bad as I thought. I can focus more on my school work, friendships, and God. I can pray more, and live in no sin. I can not have any more stress, and I can thank God and you guys for it. Thanks for all the prayer!
Thanksgiving is coming soon, so I thought I would talk about the stuff I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for friends, family, love, compassion, food, shelter, *my gift*, education, prayer, music, books, and more importantly....JESUS CHRIST!
Favorite song ever:
Thanksgiving is coming soon, so I thought I would talk about the stuff I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for friends, family, love, compassion, food, shelter, *my gift*, education, prayer, music, books, and more importantly....JESUS CHRIST!
Favorite song ever:
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Something Good Will Come Out Of This
Even though I already have posted yesterday, I just wanted to post this. I have been listening to a group called MercyMe. <3 Gosh, they are sooo good! I love the song "I Can Only Imagine", or "Move".
Things are still going downhill. I'm going to make a move tomorrow, and I hope God will give me the strength. I know you have to go through things like this, to get tougher, but I'm afraid of confrontation. But God will put the words through my mouth, and things will be alright.
Thanks guys, night.
Things are still going downhill. I'm going to make a move tomorrow, and I hope God will give me the strength. I know you have to go through things like this, to get tougher, but I'm afraid of confrontation. But God will put the words through my mouth, and things will be alright.
Thanks guys, night.
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Prayers. I need them today. I cried in class, and felt like an idiot. I know that It's okay to cry, but I hate doing it infront of people. I hate that type of attention. Just....guy troubles. I feel as I'm too young to date. I'm not mentioning his name, but I think we are fallling apart. We aren't on the same level, and you are not Christian. I need a guy that would want and would enjoy bible studies during a date. That would be the best. I have a guy friend that is also from my youth group. He understands me, and we pray for each other every night. I hope I won't hurt him,my current boyfriend, and find the words to express my feelings, and get him to stop ignoring me.
Thanks guys. From the desktop of Danae Charlebois, goodnight.
Thanks guys. From the desktop of Danae Charlebois, goodnight.
Monday, 26 September 2011
Friday, 23 September 2011
Mother Teresa
Today I was doing an essay on Mother Teresa. Wow, for a young girl, she sure knew what she wanted to be in life. Even when she was 12, and going to church she knew she wanted to become a missionary. She changed many lived in Calcutta, and changed the world. She would have been 100 years old on September 15th. :-) Very interesting subject though!
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Mmmm! I <3 truffles! The ones I'am eating right now are SOOO good :-D They melt in my mouth :-) Anywho, tomorrow I have a small 5 min skit to film after school. Its going to be viewed by the whole entire school! Soo pumped to be acting again, I've missed being involved, and being relied on by people. :) Anyway, good night al!
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Today is our youth bonfire night. We are going to connect again, after a long summer, and bring along friends. I hope the rain doens't get so bad, but that won't stop us :)
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
My Dreams
One of my dreams is to become an actress. I know that it isn't going to be easy to get started, and to not get caught up in the world's view of a 'romantic movie'. You can have romance without all that garbage and dirtiness. :-P I want to make a difference, and change Hollywood's idea of ' love'.
Another is to earn a lot of money to sponsor more then one kid, from World Vision. :)
Another is to adopt a whole bunch of animals from the SPCA.
Also, to earn money to do missionary work around the world, and deliver bibles. :-)
Another is to earn a lot of money to sponsor more then one kid, from World Vision. :)
Another is to adopt a whole bunch of animals from the SPCA.
Also, to earn money to do missionary work around the world, and deliver bibles. :-)
Monday, 12 September 2011
I have no life. :-P I love checking out new games on google, and on Facebook. I found out that they have Sims on FB now! Random, I know, but there isn't anything to talk about right now :)
Friday, 9 September 2011
To: Math. I actually like you now. Love Danae.
I have Math Daily. Basically I have Math every single day, and get extra help, and have only 24 kids in my class. I used to struggle, and have a hard time asking for help on certain things, but now I'm not embarrassed any longer. All the people in my class are on the same level as me, and I never feel "dumb". (Which I know I'm not, or never was, but it felt that way). The teacher talks to you, not down on you. I can ask for help 5 billion times, and she will never be like,"Ugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhrrrgh". :-P Anyhow, to all the people who have trouble with Math, or Algebra, ASK FOR HELP! You get more credit, and they will know you want to learn it. :)
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Social Butterfly Speaking
I love meeting new people. I love showing grade 7ers where their classes are, and reassuring them that the Sewing teacher is nice :-P I really like making people feel like they belong, and get them to join my group. It used to be just me in grade 7, but now the group is 30 people and up, more or less. I don't keep count, I just want people to mix in with the younger to the older, boy to girl, ANYTHING! I like travelling from group to group. I'am a social butterfly :)
My favourite new bible verse:
"Love is patient, love is kind and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, no rude; never selfish, not quick to take offence.There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limt to its faith, its hope, and endurance. In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope, and love, but greatest of all of them is love! "
- 1 Corinthians 13: 4
My favourite new bible verse:
"Love is patient, love is kind and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, no rude; never selfish, not quick to take offence.There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limt to its faith, its hope, and endurance. In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope, and love, but greatest of all of them is love! "
- 1 Corinthians 13: 4
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
First Day Of School
MAN IT WAS AWESOME! We got our schedules today, and I've got great classes. Except that I got French 9....and I didn't get DRAMA 9!...:-( At least they will try to re-do that :-) I had fun seeing my old friends from grade 8, and I had a blast. Prayers out to my computer teacher whom Dad died recently. I hope he gets through, and comes back to school soon. Also, I hope I see my English teacher whom has just had a baby! CONGRATS! So back in the school run, I got to go sleep now, and rest for the adventurous day ahead of me tomorrow. Good night all! (By the way, my new fav color is purple! New back ground color for blog :) )
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Today is a Very Good Day
Hello! I'm speaking in general, not to the 3 people following me :) I'm so happy today! I found out that I have home room with 3 people I know! The rest are grade 7ers. I hung out with my long lost friend Kimberly Peet, annnnnnnd went swimming at Cultas for 4 hours. I have a dog sitting job for one of best friends, and he is an adorable miniature Australian shepard . Tired, but excited. Hungry for some freshly baked banana bread I made. Thank-you Lord for making this day terrific! <3
Friday, 2 September 2011
Grade 9
Boy, Am I excited for grade 9! School for me has always been fun. Learning new things, and hanging with friends at lunch. I love the first day of school. Fresh smell of pencils, and paper. Using new binders, and backpacks. Being the top of the Middle School I'm going at. Going to drama classes, and enjoying French class. So excited for a fresh start, and new grade 7ers. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE ON SEPTEMBER THE 6TH!
Friday, 26 August 2011
A Random Poem/ I Made
The Bookworm Girl ,her feels in a swirl. Mad, happy sad, if you look at her outer layer it's not that bad. But you don't really know her, a book is her only friend, sir. A time off depression, even if you ask you won't get a confesstion. About how it feels to be alone at recess, and fade from reality less and less. She only knows how it feels to be the class joke, with the mean things they say, so bad she chokes. ''Don't YOU know how it feels to be hurt?'', she want to scream. ''With the stabs of pain you incert.'' Who cares about that girl?, the mean girls always think. When The Bookworm Girl calls out for a friend , she only gets blinks. Her life is worthless, well at least she thought so. Her life is so full of stress, her social life is just a mess! Now she felt like dying, so hard all she did was the crying.
At lunchtime , many years later, there stood in front of The Bookworm Girl, a young lady without a sound. She listened to the Bookworm Girl's story. As the the girl told her story, with surprise, she saw the new girl choke. The young lady too had the same story, and other people had been killing her soul. Right there and then, the girls realized that fate had put them to together. They both had somehow, in that moment ,changed their life's.
They still are on a a difficult journey, of battles aganist death and drugs. But there is still one thing thst still bugs them. Who else could they trust. Back to the Bookworm Girl, with her feelings in a swirl. If you could not clearly see, that girl is me.
The Bookworm Girl ,her feels in a swirl. Mad, happy sad, if you look at her outer layer it's not that bad. But you don't really know her, a book is her only friend, sir. A time off depression, even if you ask you won't get a confesstion. About how it feels to be alone at recess, and fade from reality less and less. She only knows how it feels to be the class joke, with the mean things they say, so bad she chokes. ''Don't YOU know how it feels to be hurt?'', she want to scream. ''With the stabs of pain you incert.'' Who cares about that girl?, the mean girls always think. When The Bookworm Girl calls out for a friend , she only gets blinks. Her life is worthless, well at least she thought so. Her life is so full of stress, her social life is just a mess! Now she felt like dying, so hard all she did was the crying.
At lunchtime , many years later, there stood in front of The Bookworm Girl, a young lady without a sound. She listened to the Bookworm Girl's story. As the the girl told her story, with surprise, she saw the new girl choke. The young lady too had the same story, and other people had been killing her soul. Right there and then, the girls realized that fate had put them to together. They both had somehow, in that moment ,changed their life's.
They still are on a a difficult journey, of battles aganist death and drugs. But there is still one thing thst still bugs them. Who else could they trust. Back to the Bookworm Girl, with her feelings in a swirl. If you could not clearly see, that girl is me.
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Goldfish Crackers.
I love Goldfish Crackers. They are my weakness. <3 I love how they crunch and they taste, but I hate how they make me feel bad eating them. Even though they aren't real. Same as animal crackers. Well thats random for ya, buts thats me :)
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Blackberry Picking :)
Today I went blackberry picking with my mom and dad, and it was so much fun! We got like, 5 pounds of 'em! Yummmmmm! Later on today I'm making a blackberry crisp!
I thought of a new saying today, about life:
Life is like picking blackberries, you never know when your going to get stung, or find the biggest surprise of all.
:) Kinda makes sense, but had fun today!
I thought of a new saying today, about life:
Life is like picking blackberries, you never know when your going to get stung, or find the biggest surprise of all.
:) Kinda makes sense, but had fun today!
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Something fun: List Of Things I'am Grateful For
What I can't live without: Things that make life easier:
- Jesus - The internet
- My friends - Insurance
- My youth group - Air
- Fresh food - T.v
- Clean water -Hands
- Warm/cool home - Feet
- Blankets - Clocks
- My cats -Swimming pools
- My parents - Cars/Bicycles
- School - Ice cream
- The ability to speak/ display emotion - Hugs
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
- Jesus - The internet
- My friends - Insurance
- My youth group - Air
- Fresh food - T.v
- Clean water -Hands
- Warm/cool home - Feet
- Blankets - Clocks
- My cats -Swimming pools
- My parents - Cars/Bicycles
- School - Ice cream
- The ability to speak/ display emotion - Hugs
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Why Do Disasters Happen, If "God" Is There?
There is questions that run through my mind about why certain things happen to people, like the tsunami in Haiti, or tornadoes that tear families apart. Well most non-believers think God should come and save his people from disasters. (Things like earthquakes, mudslides, ect.) Some disasters are human caused, and some are freaks of nature. Things are thrown at us, because....well the logical approach is that natural forces, and chance is apart of life. God, karma, are not apart of this equation. A boy could get hit by a car, but that doesn't mean he did something wrong, or God was angry with him, or that he had to die. A miscarriage could happen, because the body wasn't ready to handle it, or the embryo was impacted by something in the body. A hurricane can happen anywhere, and a earthquake could happen anywhere. Chance, and natural forces are involved. Even if you are a non-believer, doesn't mean you are a bad person, and that tragic consequences are gonna happen.
For instance, I was in a terrible car accident in February 17th, 2011, and I lost most of my long term memory, and some short term temporarily, from a head injury. Not because I angered God, but it was a traffic control light that blinked green, instead of red. See? Things happen everywhere, and it wasn't God's fault, or anyone else's. That doesn't mean he doesn't care about anyone, its just what happens in a chance. :) GOD CARES ABOUT EVERYONE!
For instance, I was in a terrible car accident in February 17th, 2011, and I lost most of my long term memory, and some short term temporarily, from a head injury. Not because I angered God, but it was a traffic control light that blinked green, instead of red. See? Things happen everywhere, and it wasn't God's fault, or anyone else's. That doesn't mean he doesn't care about anyone, its just what happens in a chance. :) GOD CARES ABOUT EVERYONE!
Teenage Suicide: Make a Difference!
Make a difference. If you have depression, get help, and reach out! If you make fun of someone who cuts their writs, and dresses in black, doesn't make it O.K. Sure, lots people do that for attention, but not all do. Some people think the only way out is suicide. Some are at the end of their rope, and they just want to end the pain. We aren't helping by just standing there, or bullying them. There was a movie that I watched, called "How To Save a Life". Watch it, or read about it on-line. It will change your view about people that are 'loners', 'losers', 'greasers', and 'emos'. Don't judge a book by its cover, and don't judge someone just because they are sad or depressed. Make a difference! Talk to them, reach out, smile, invite them to lunch! You don't have to be best friend with them, but make someone that feels like they are a"nobody", and make them feel like a somebody!
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